Certified Academies

join our team as a certified academy!


Some benefits of becoming an EFC Certified Academy include...

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  • Licensed Use of EFC Academy Curriculum
  • Subject Matter Expert Support (Videos, Lesson Plans, Group Coaching Calls)
  • EFC Academy Flag
  • Discount on EFC Swag
  • Affiliate Sales Program
  • Access to Host Seminars (Min 30 Paid Students)
  • Academy Featured on Website & Social Media
  • Possible Agency Reimbursement for Tuition
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To become an EFC Certified Academy, our requirements include...

  • $400 Enrollment fee (Includes Cost of Online Academy Certification Course)
  • 2 Year Commitment at $150 Per Month

If you are interested, click the button below and fill out an application to become an EFC Certified Academy!

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